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Saturday 2 July 2016


Sodium Ascorbate
Royale - C

Why Royale – C?
·        Easily Absorbed
·        Alkaline-Non-Acidic
·        Tummy friendly
·        Mother of all Vitamins

Benefits of Royale-C:
·        Boosts immune system
·        Strengthens bones and joints
·        Increases iron absorption
·        Anti-Oxidant
·        Promotes collagen renewal
·        Adjuncts in the prevention of cardio vascular problems
·        Detoxifies
·        Strengthens the capillaries & other blood vessels
·        Stops constipation & shrinks hemorrhoids
     ·        Reduces insulin requirement of diabetes
     ·        Prevents infertility as it maintains the ovaries
     ·        Prevents weakening of the sperm
     ·        Enhances sexual performance by aiding endocrine glands

Addresses the harmful effects of the following:

·        Fatigue and stress
·        Loose teeth
·        Nose bleed

·        Poor digestion
·        Rough skin
·        Scurvy
·        Cough
·        Adrenal insufficiency
·        Effects of air pollution
·        Allergies
·        Cancer
·        Cataracts
·        Cancer
·        Discomfort from arthritis
·        Effects of radiation
·        Free radicals
·        Glaucoma
·        Alcoholism
·        Mental illness
·        Periodontal disease
·        Depression
·        Bleeding gums
·        Bone abnormalities
·        Confusion
·        Dental cavities
·        Easy bruising
·        Cold

Royale-C Sodium Ascorbate Alkaline Based (7.2 – 7.8 pH)
Ascorbic acid
Acid Based (2.5 – 3 pH)
100% pure and natural
With binders
Dissolves 5x to 8x faster for quicker absorption
Dissolves slowly
Stays from 12 to 14 hours in the body
Stays from 3-4 hours in the body
Non-irritant to the stomach
Irritates stomach
Maintains pH level at 7.2 – 7.8
Low pH at 2.5 to 3
Safe for babies
Not advisable for babies
Can be taken in mega dose for better health result
Body cannot tolerate more than 500 mg per day
95% absorbed by the body
Only 25% is absorbed by the body
Neutralizes acidity
Reinforces acidity


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